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HomeBilingual secondary school

The bilingual secondary school

The school as a second house. Open for long hours until 4.00 pm, with inside canteen where meals are prepared with care and attention, the bilingual secondary school of the Maria Montessori International Centre, is intended as a community, integrated within and connected in an interdependent way with the outside, thanks to research, study and work activities conducted by the kids and to the active participation in the cultural initiatives of the city.

The involvement of parents and the cooperation of experts both contribute to make the school establish its roots in the territory, and fomenting the kids’ sense of social belonging as well as their need to be seen and to be useful in their community.

Along the curricular five hours of English class, the frequent presence in class of a native speaker tutor allows the students to re-analyse topics already studied for other curricular subjects in English, favouring the enrichment of a more specific vocabulary compared to traditional schools.

Also in secondary school the number of students for each class is limited, so that teachers can focus on each student individually. Saturday is free and one afternoon per week is dedicated to writing or theatre workshops. When the weather allows it, classes are often held in the park next to the school.

Subjects are not presented as separated teachings but as connected topics. In fact, Montessori’s didactics wants the kid to understand that there is an interdependent relationship between various aspects of life (cosmic education). For this reason each subject is presented in a way so as to offer a clear vision of the whole, in order to answer big human questions and encourage the student’s natural curiosity.


Objectives of the course

  • motivation
  • activity choice
  • use of the tools for the activity
  • respect
  • respecting others
  • respecting the environment
  • planning and organisation of a contractual-type activity
  • self-assessment on achieved objectives
  • ability to select and connect the conceptual focal points of each subject, placed in a time and space dimension


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