High level athlete student
Every year the high schools of the Montessori Centre join the experimental didactic project High level athlete student, renewed by the Ministry of Education and Merit with the M.D. n.43 of March the 3rd of 2023, which identifies the admission requirements and the procedure to join.
The project is realised in collaboration with the Italian National Olympic Committee (CONI), the Italian Paralympic Committee (CIP), and Sport e Salute S.p.A. (Sport and Health PLC), and it aims at overcoming the difficulties that can be found along the academic path of high level athlete students. It also aims at promoting the right to education and the achievement of academic success through the development of a Personalised Formative Project (PFP).
One ore more reference teachers (School Tutors) are selected for the project, and they have the job of defining, along with competent Class Councils, the PFP for each athlete student. School Tutors also handle the coordination with the interested sport part, to act as a go-between with the external project representative (Sport Tutor).
Addressed to
The project is addressed to all students identified as high level athletes based on specific requirements defined by the Ministerial Notification n. 3908 of September the 15th of 2023, as completed by the following Ministerial Notification n. 4194 of the 06/10/2023.
It is underlined that the presence of sports requirements must be documented by certifying subjects stated in the attachment of the Norm, that is exclusively by reference Sports Federations, Associated Sports Disciplines or Leagues (or related regional Committees/Organisations delegated by them), recognised by the CONI and CIP.
For more information: https://www.miur.gov.it/anno-scolastico-2024-2025
School tutor of the Montessori Centre
prof. Tommaso Paribocci (paribocci@gmail.com)