Montessori International Course for Educators 0-6 years old
We would like to inform you, that for bureaucratic reasons, the beginning of the educational Montessori course has been postponed, the exact date is to be decided.
The “M. Montessori” International Centre of Perugia, founded by Maria Montessori in 1950, organizes an International Montessori Training Course on 0-6 years old reserved for members, at the location in in Via Fonti Coperte n. 38/D .
Those who are members, who have reached the legal age, and who have a specific degree will be admitted to attend the course.
The course will be carried out in both Italian and English, will begin in October 2024 and it will end in May 2025, with a final exam and the following consign of diplomas.
Those who have achieved 4/5 of the attendance and who have paid all the fees will be admitted to the final exam.
The course will take place weekly, from Monday to Saturday, with 5 hours a day in the morning (from 9.00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) according to the school calendar.
The course is 800 hours, and has the following programme:
- Maria Montessori: cultural, political, religious and philosophical contents
- Psychology:
- Images of childhood in the thought of Maria Montessori
- Theories on development: the 4 plans of development: the seasons of life (infancy – childhood – adolescence – adulthood)
- Sensitive periods: 0-6 years old (order – movement – language – love for the environment) and 6-12 years old (imagination – abstraction – culture)
- Theories on learning: The mind that absorbs (Hormé – Mnéme)
- Methodology:
- Environment: meaning – importance – functions – characteristics – organization
- Material: meaning – importance – characteristics
- Teacher: scientific, technical, spiritual training
- Observation: what to observe – how to observe
- Pedagogy:
- Independence
- Autonomy: “Help me to do it by myself” – “Help me to think for myself” – “Help me to think with you” – “Help me to think for you”
- Emancipation as order and life choice: the adult’s and the child’s work
- Will and obedience
- The 3 levels of obedience
- Responsibility and discipline
- Individuality – Singularity
- Sociability/Society for cohesion
- Solidarity
- Education to peace
- Cosmic education
The cost is 5000.00 Euros, to be paid in a single fee at the beginning of the course or split into three fees: 2000.00 Euros at the moment of enrollment, 1500.00 Euros by 26/01/2025, final fee by 30/04/2025.
The 50,00 Euros membership enrollment is mandatory to enter the course.
Here are our bank details:
Via Fonti Coperte n. 38/D – 06124 Perugia
IBAN: IT 69 H 02008 03032 000029472797
Unicredit – fil. San Sisto (PG)
The application and enrollment for the course, to be completed in the appropriate form, must have the following documents attached:
- Certified photocopy of the passport you possess;
- 6 recent passport photos;
- Receipt of payment of the entire fee or the first fee;
At the beginning of the course the calendar and the more detailed programs will be sent out. Observations will be done in the educational buildings of the “M. Montessori” International Centre.